
Our Clients is the force that drives us to perfection. Therefore we always strive to reach the highest quality standards by providing them with the
best services and the best quality of spare parts by carefully choosing the materials needed and by thorough quality checks in all stage of the

We offer spare parts for most PET air compressor brands. The quality of our products is well known to our clients through years of experience in the field.

For 35 years our company supports a big part of industry by providing trade and technical services, with high expertise and experience in reciprocating air and gas compressors as well as precision instruments for the compressors and their networks. We undertake the over-hauling of any kind of reciprocating compressor including their cooling, electrical and motor systems. In case of a malfunction our engineers will evaluate the problem and in addition to the in house manufacturing and stocking of all necessary parts we can bring the compressor in working condition in no time and with the guarantee that it will have a smooth and normal operation.

Our company specializes not only in repairing but also in the refurbishing of PET compressor valves. Our valve lab meets all requirements in
technical equipment for refurbishing the valves of all major reciprocating compressors.
All valves are disassembled in our valve lab and after they have been sandblasted and their seats machined in our CNC lathe machine, all their
parts are replaced and they are reassembled by our engineers.

Each valve after is tested thoroughly on our special test machine to ensure that all valves pass the minimum requirements set by the manufacturer. After testing, valves are placed in air tight packing to avoid corrosion and any other harmful agents that could change the perfect condition in which they are being delivered to the client.

Our company can repair the cylinders of the compressor by removing the old liners and install new ones machined from the highest quality of materials as well as apply the most detailed methods of testing and measurements to ensure that the new liner will work according to its initial specifications.

RCP Air & Gas Compressors